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Zoom music lessons

Zoom Lessons


In response to Covid-19 and the first lockdown in April 2020, I moved all my teaching online and began using Zoom to deliver my lessons. I found this to be such a good alternative while face to face lessons were not possible, that I have decided to widen my catchment of pupils beyond the boundaries of North Wiltshire. I am now accepting pupils from across the country so whether you live in Cornwall or Coventry, Essex or Edinburgh, get in touch and I can teach you!

Since the start of the pandemic my pupils have received blended learning and are now able to transition from face to face lessons to online and back again with ease. This is particularly useful when a pupil is feeling a bit under the weather but still wants a lesson, or if an adult pupil's car has broken down!

My students use a range of devices to receive their lessons which shows it is not essential to have top of the range equipment to make this possible.

I have an 'online teaching safeguarding policy' that I have created with guidance from the Musicians Union. I require a parent to agree to this policy for all my pupils under the age of 18.

If you would like music lessons with me then please get in touch as I currently have spaces for new online pupils, regardless of your location. Instruments can be bought or rented from online music shops. Let me know if you want any advice.

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